November 12, 2009

Are you familiar with the Chinook book?  Well, I had heard of it but that's about it.  I had shot an ad for  Built Green earlier this year that I knew would be in the 2010 edition.  Of course, I wanted to see how the ad and image turned out in print, so I picked one up.  It's a pretty cool book.  I'm not typically a coupon book person, but this is an eco-friendly book and actually has some usable cool coupons and ideas.  Businesses in the book have to meet specific environmental and community criteria. Well, if you see one (PCC, Barnes and Noble, and a ton of other vendors around Seattle carry them) it's worth a flip through and if you want to see the ad, it is on the inside front cover.

November 7, 2009

I just read a great article on one of my clients, James Davies of Craftsman Copper, in the winter edition of Style 1900 Magazine.  Craftsman Copper specializes in hand hammered copper lighting in the American Arts & Crafts Style.  Most of his work is done by commission and he has a national clientele.  I've had the honor of photographing chandeliers, lamps and sconces for Craftsman Copper for ads and marketing.  His work is truly amazing and beautiful.  The amount of detail to each handcrafted piece is stunning to look at.  If you are into this style or just looking for unique lighting options, check out Craftsman Copper.

November 5, 2009

It's 1st Thursday Art Walk tonight.  Showing new work by Lucien Knuteson, Mark B. Bauschke, and myself.  The studio will be open from 6-10pm tonight.  Hope to see you!

Studio O2      619 Western Ave    3rd Floor South