October 30, 2009

 Sabrina Loves Bags has added her Fall line to her website.  I've been working with Sabrina Loves Bags for the last couple of years.  When Sabrina first called me, she was looking for a photographer for images for her new website.  She has a high quality line of handbags and wanted to make sure they were visually represented accurately on her site to show off the colors and textures.  So we decided on 5 consistent product views of her bags: front, back, inside, label detail and on body.  So as new designs come out, I've been photographing them within these parameters.  The other really cool thing we decided on for Sabrina was to have some "in action" shots.  Images that give more of a sense of mood and feeling of the bags, really keeping the bag the center of attention.  She then adds these to the website as well as her marketing materials. Once or twice a year we've gotten together to do these kind of images.  Not only is it fun for me to combine both the product shots with the mood shots, Sabrina is just a rad lady to work with.  Check out her website for more images and her bags.  Here's some examples.

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